Holistic Tai Chi Qigong Academy UK
Dancing Cat Tai Chi Qigong & Holistic Health
Classes & Professional Training & Health
Debbie & Mark Gannon
07958 353455
Six Steps
to a Happier Healthier You
Getting Started
It would be amazing to feel well and face life with joy but that can feel impossible
We can aim to feel better than we do right now, and that is enough
but where do we start?
One tiny change can feel huge to face but with patience and time that small change can snowball into something much bigger
To improve our health and well-being our bodies need
good food, oxygen, exercise & quiet time, every day.
Most of us know this but it is not always easy to achieve.
If we are recovering from illness, emotional trauma, an accident, operation
or burnout, it can be exhausting just to face each day.
If we can ease our discomfort and feel more peaceful about our life then that can have a huge impact on our physical, emotional and mental well-being
The Six Steps to a Happier Healthier You
aims to help you to get started, from where you are now,
with no formal goal other than to feel better than you do right now
Bite-size tips which build over time
Achievable new daily habits that dont drain your already depleted resources and increase your stress
No pressure. Easy to restart when you lose your way
Empowering you to help yourself
How to get started......
Pick any of the suggested steps
Pick the step that looks the easiest to get started
Move onto another step when you feel ready
Where are you now?
We want less of this........
When we are unwell or our work and life are not in balance we can easily become exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally.
We feel heavy and any ailments we already have may feel worse.
We become more susceptible to coughs and colds.
We feel irritable and less patient with family and friends.
We eat comfort food, which makes us feel worse,
We feel too tired to exercise and often have poor sleep.
We become rigid and inflexible. New experiences and changes become too much of a challenge and we may feel anxious and unsettled. We often over think everything.
We lack direction and have little self-worth.
We want more of this.......
When we feel well and our lives are in balance we can deal with most of the events that life throws at us. We feel vibrant, happy and in control.
We usually sleep well, have a good appetite, have few aches and pains and feel a sense of purpose and self-worth.
We radiate warm friendly energy and others will feel happy in our company.
We can offer unconditional tolerance, compassion, time, and energy to others.
We can adapt to change and be open to new experiences and possibilities.
We feel fulfilled and complete.
Easy Steps to Eating Better
We all know that our body needs nutrients from the food we eat to renew your cells, restore your body systems and to give you the energy you need to enjoy life.
When we are feeling unwell or out of balance it can feel like a huge mountain to climb to cook and eat well.
Start from where you are at with these tips.
Once your body gets stronger you will feel like doing more.
To increase your daily intake of fruit and vegetables
Salad & Soup- so easy!!
Add a bag of pre-washed salad or a tub of mixed salad to what ever meal you are managing to make for yourself now.
Soup is wonderful. You can buy really good flavoursome soups at the supermarket.
They are easy to digest when you have no energy. You can always heat soup, and put it in a flask, when you have more energy to have later when you are feeling tired. When you body is exhausted it can't easily digest heavy food so a warming soup in the winter or cold soup in the summer is an easy way to nourish your body,
Drink a glass of your favourite fruit juice in the morning, You might prefer to dilute natural juice as it can be quite strong, that also means that a carton will last longer to this will help your budget too.
Finally, try not to cook anything in a microwave. Microwaves can be a convenient way to heat your food but did you know that they damage the Chi (the natural energy) in your food so you lose many of the health benefits?
5 -30 Minutes of
Fresh Air Every day
As well as good food we need good oxygen to allow our bodies to work. We need to breathe to stay alive; therefore good quality air is very important!
If you spend time in an office, a factory or indoors at home the quality of the air you breathe will deteriorate as you use up the oxygen available. After a while you will begin to feel tired, lethargic and unable to concentrate. You may become angry, frustrated or melancholic.
Open the doors and windows as often as you can. It is not always practical, convenient or possible to change your daily environment but you can recharge yourself by taking breaks outside, or breathing beside an open window.
Walking in the fresh air is best. Walking gets your body moving and helps to clear your mind. Choose a speed that is right for you on the day. Some days you will enjoy striding out in the fresh air but other days you will want to gently stroll and meander on your way, taking your time and taking in the scenery around you.
You may not have a lot of spare time so I have suggested 5-30 minutes a day,
Most people can find 5 minutes for something important, like our own health!
Try simple ways to add this into your daily routine rather than making it an extra chore. For example, park your car a little further away from the office so you have to walk. This will invigorate you for the start of your day. The extra benefit of this is that you have to walk a little further after work too, which will help you relax and clear away some of the stresses of the day, as well as filling you with oxygen. There are many other small ways like this to incorporate this step into your daily life. You will soon look forward to your short walk and I know some people who have confessed to walking the long way to the car on some days as they enjoyed the benefits so much!
You may guess that poor posture can aggravate painful shoulders, back, knees and hips but you may be surprised to know that poor posture can also have a big impact on conditions such as IBS, constipation, menstruation, tinnitus, headaches & sleep.
Assessing your own posture can be tricky so it might be helpful to get advice from a professional but you have to make the change to how yo stand, sit and move.
I will be adding a video here soon
showing you some basic posture tips and how to start to integrate them into you life simply and easily
If you want to learn more about good posture in every day life then you could book a private session with Debbie or look out for some additional videos coming soon!
Daily Qigong
Our physical body needs to move to help the body systems to work efficiently, help the blood to flow, support the heart, ease the muscles, joints and tendons, give us more energy, and to boost our mood.
If you have not exercised for a while, are recovering from illness, live with fatigue or pain then the Qigong we practice is an ideal way to start.
Not all Qigong (pronounced chee gong) sometimes called Tai Chi Qigong, is suitable for people with health issues and who are just starting out. All movements should feel comfortable and there should never be any discomfort or pain.
What is qigong?
In simple terms it is a series of slow gentle movements, which can also be done seated, each repeated several times.
Each movement is designed to work on specific parts of the body, so a set of movements works the whole body, inside and out.
Begin gently
Enjoy following the video and come back for more when you are feeling stronger or want to try some different moves.
The mind is amazing, it is like a powerful computer capable of running 24 hours a day. It never forgets anything, although it does put things into a deep storage, or sub conscious, from time to time!
The problem for many people is that they cannot “switch off” the hamster wheel, or what I call “monkey chatter” going on in their minds.
Modern life and working practices are not in line with our natural daily body rhythms nor do they adjust for the seasons. Working and living at the same pace in the winter as we do in the summer creates stress. Just like your body, your mind needs to switch off and rest.
5 to 30 minutes of quiet time every day can be an achievable good habit but if you cant switch off your mind in that time then what?
If you are now thinking that you dont have the time then try this..........
If your normal bedtime is 10.30pm then still go to bed at 10.30pm but sit or lie quietly for 5- 30 minutes, so no extra time out of your day and you may find that you sleep better.
There are several ideas for you to try, not all will work for you and some will work today but not tomorrow. Don't give up, Set aside the time and try lots of ideas. Giving yourself the time is just as important.
You can simply sit or stand quietly, with your eyes closed for whatever time you can allocate each day. Perhaps set an alarm so you dont need to worry about the time. However, if this new or you are feeling stressed then you may feel bombarded with reminders about things you need to do, have forgotten to do, conversations you have had, thoughts and feelings about others, and countless other “messages” the mind sends covering all aspects of your life? This bombardment often leads to stress, insomnia, emotional swings or a feeling of “living on our nerves”.
You may find a guided meditation helpful.
YouTube offers a variety of free guided meditations from many different people, offering you access to support at any time of the day or night.
Also try an internet search to look for apps, local in-person groups and on-line sessions. The support of others can be very helpful.
The first 2 weeks will be the hardest, while you build new habits and try new things, all which can be exhausting if you are already overwhelmed.
Don't give up......... the benefits are HUGE