Holistic Tai Chi Qigong Academy UK
Dancing Cat Tai Chi Qigong & Holistic Health
Classes & Professional Training & Health
Debbie & Mark Gannon
07958 353455

Further Development

What Next?
Once you have successfully completed the 6-day Session Leader Course
you can lead your own sessions for relaxation & well-being
There is no requirement to attend further training. However you will be very welcome to return to the Academy to learn more when the time feels right for you
What are you looking for?
Advanced Session Leader Certification
Developing Physical Knowledge & Skills

Training Diary
at a glance
1 & 2 March 2025
22 & 23 March 2025
5 April 2025
6 April 2025
12 & 13 April + 17 & 18 May 2025
10 & 11 May 2025
31 May & 1 June 2025
12 & 13 July + 16 & 17 Aug 2025
2 August 2025
3 August 2025
14 March 2026
15 March 2026
18 & 19 April + 16 & 17 May 2026
9 May 2026
10 May 2026
11 & 12 July 2026
25 & 26 July + 22 & 23 August 2026
July & August 2026
8 August 2025
9 August 2025
3 & 4 October 2026

Many of us love to keep learning more about this amazing Health Art
Session Leaders can gain higher certification by completing all of the following modules which continue to build their Tai Chi Qigong knowledge
All of these modules are in person at our Hinckley studio
You can complete them in any order and at your own pace
Advanced Techniques of Tai Chi Qigong
Exploring Energy & the Energy Field
Energy Within Shibashi Qigong Set 1 Movements
Exploring Physical Health Benefits of Tai Chi Qigong
Delivering a Seated Qigong Session

Physical Techniques
Tai Chi Qigong
6 April 2025
10am to 5pm
3 places available
9 August 2026
10am to 5pm
6 places available
This module is part of the Advanced Session Leader Training
To book a place please pay £30 non-refundable deposit
The remaining £30 is payable 30 days before
The ideal way is for the whole body to move as one with a strong relaxed ease
This is efficient and effective
The movements all start in the feet and travel through the lower tantien.
The arms are moved by the body and all we need to do is apply spirals and arms
These techniques are applied to all tai chi qigong movements to ease the joints, strengthen the muscles, create flexibility, massage our internal organs and encourage our body systems to work more efficiently
This day will look at these techniques within the Shibashi Qigong Set 1 movements
Some movements are easier than others, some techniques you may understand immediately and others may take years to perfect, however, understanding this way of moving will change and improve the way you do everything, even if you are still learning
This module forms part of Advanced Session Leader Certification

In this 1 day module you will learn how to complete a body alignment assessment and explore the issues poor body alignment can create or aggravate
You will also learn how to make safe suggestions for your session attendees to help them to improve their alignment and potentially ease some of their discomfort
We will complete body alignment assessments each other while standing, sitting and moving and also consider how we use our body in everyday life and while delivering Qigong, as we have to look after ourselves first before we can help our attendees.
We are rarely taught how to stand and move correctly
Standing and moving with the right foot incorrectly can create discomfort in the left shoulder and neck
Big toes bending inwards creating bunions,
'Knock knees', 'Bow Legs' or collapsed foot arches are most often a consequence of poor posture and can be improved
We can help ourselves in many ways, once we know how, and as therapists, we can also help our attendees.
Session Leaders who are also holistic therapists will be able to use the information learned during this module to help their clients

3 August 2025
10am to 5pm
5 places available
10 May 2026
10am to 5pm
6 places available
To book a place please pay £30 non-refundable deposit
The remaining £30 is payable 30 days before
If you pay in full the payment includes £30 non-refundable deposit
We ask you to bring a list of health conditions that you would like to ask about
Usually, our session attendees like to tell us about their aches, pains and health conditions or you may have issues of your own.
This training day is dedicated to exploring how and why Tai Chi Qigong can help to ease or support those conditions.
An open day for you to ask your questions and explore the subtle techniques of Tai Chi Qigong and gain a deeper understanding of the benefits for our physical body
This dedicated focus is ideal to incorporate into the 'learning' part at the start of each Qigong session and can also be used for workshops.
This module forms part of Advanced Session Leader Certification

2 August 2025
10am to 5pm
4 places available
9 May 2026
10am to 5pm
6 places available
To book a place please pay £50 non-refundable deposit
The remaining £30 is payable 30 days before
If you pay in full the payment includes £50 non-refundable deposit
This 1 day training module explores the Shibashi Qigong Set 1 for those who need to remain seated. We will look at the health benefits for the standing movements and consider how we can help our seated attendees benefit without compromising their need to sit, while considering the challenges & difficulties that sitting brings
You will receive a certificate for 'Delivering a Seated Qigong Session'
This module is part of the Advanced Session Leader Certification

If you have already completed the training module for 8 Pieces of Brocade then you will be very welcome to come along to any of these dates as a refresher.
You may have more questions since your initial training and may wish to understand more depth behind the movements
You can attend one day or all of the days, as long as there are places available.
26 July 2026, 2 places available
22 August 2026, 2 places available
23 August 2026, 2 places available
10 to 5pm
The 8 Pieces of Brocade is probably one of the oldest known set of Health Exercises and was created around 1140 AD during the Song dynasty, by the army general Marshal Yue Fei. The movements were designed to keep the soldiers well and in good shape for harsh, long battles.
During this 4 day module we will look at this ancient popular set of movements. We will explore the different versions that are taught and consider how some of the movements can be adapted
The movements in this set are not considered, by us, as suitable for beginners. We feel that the movements are more aimed at those who are looking to improve stamina, body strength as well as increasing flexibility.

This 2-day module takes you through a tapping & self-massage routine
covering the whole body
Key acupressure points are explored along with a variety of techniques.
We will consider when to use calming sedating techniques or warming stimulating techniques to leave us balanced, refreshed and restored
The aim of this module is to teach you. as Session Leaders, to lead a sequence of acupressure techniques, demonstrated on yourself, for your attendees or clients to follow
The routine can be delivered as a full session or in separate sections
Qigong Session Leaders can deliver this during the first part of a Qigong session
This module does not teach you to perform the techniques on other people
We provide notes and videos to support the face to face training

Daily Tai Chi Exercises
This 2 day module explores 21 Daily Exercises, to ease the joints in the body and relax the muscles & tendons. Ideally they should be practiced every day. As always, it is the way the movements are performed that creates the maximum benefit. This module teaches the movements, the health benefits and the correct way each exercise should be performed. We also highlight common errors and explore different ways to deliver these within your sessions.
1 & 2 March 2025
This module is now fully booked
March 2027
Date to be confirmed. 6 Places available

Lee Form Tai Chi Qigong Set
Anyone who has experienced the flow of a Tai Chi Form will know how beautiful it is to watch as well as to perform. However Tai Chi Forms are complex and require years of dedicated practice. This module teaches those movements within a qigong set offering a more inclusive way for people to enjoy and practice the flow of a Tai Chi Form.
4 Days, over 2 non-consecutive weekends
12 & 13 July + 16 & 17 Aug 2025
1 place available

An additional set of 18 Movements to add variety to your sessions.
The movements of Shibashi Qigong Set 2 are very different to Set 1, moving and opening the body in a different way.
This module explores a variation of these interesting and enjoyable movements so this set can be offered to almost everyone, including those who may need to be seated for some or all of the session
4 days over 2 non-consecutive weekends
12 & 13 April 2025 & 17 & 18 May 2025
2 places available
18 & 19 April 2026 & 16 & 17 May 2026
6 places available

Shibashi Qigong Set 2
A weekend to refresh and revisit the Shibashi Qigong Set 2
Improve your practice of the correct physical techniques
Gain more understanding of the health benefits
Explore the different versions of the movements
Understand the energetically balanced version of this Set
Ask your questions
31 May & 1 June 2025
2 places available

Shibashi Qigong Set 2
A refresher day to revisit the Shibashi Qigong Set 2
Improve your practice of the correct physical techniques
Gain more understanding of the health benefits
Explore the different versions of the movements
Understand the energetically balanced version of this Set
Ask your questions
16 May 2026
6 places available
17 May 2026
6 places available

14 March 2026
10am to 5pm
5 Places available
Please pay £30 non-refundable deposit to book your place
The remaining £30 is payable 1 month before

What is Energy?
During this day we explore the subtle way that we experience energy through sight, touch, sound, taste, colour and other people
We will explore the layers of the energy field and how to see and feel energy
We will discuss sensitivity to the energy of other people, either our friends, family, work colleagues or clients
You ask your questions
There are no limits to the topics you may want to discuss, including healing, singing bowls, sound therapy, colours, spirituality, hands on healing, energy 'vampires', being an empath etc
A day for you and about you
exploring everything that is amazing and challenging
What do you want to know?

Exploring Energy
within the
18 Shibashi Qigong Set 1 Movements
15 March 2026
10am to 5pm
Please pay £30 non-refundable deposit to book your place
The remaining balance is payable 1 month before

There are several energy processes happening through this version of Shibashi Qigong Set 1
This day explores the way each movement connects to the 3 tantien energy centres and yin and yang. We also explore the role each movement plays within the set to create harmony restoration and energetic balance
The original set was designed to move the energy that we already have and to help it to flow around the body but this can create disharmony if we are already depleted and tired
The adaptations we have made to this set continue to move our energy but also bring several deeper layers of energy restoration, cleansing and harmonisation
We use the first few movements to cultivate qi, which replenishes and develops the energy store within the body
The next block of movements gently open the physical body and organs to encourage a cleansing and detoxing process, while maintaining connection to yin and yang energies to maintain a harmonious balance
We then begin the process of filling the body once again to leave us replenished, restored, energetically balanced and calm at the end of the set
The gentle way we move with ease and flow also releases physical and mental tension creating a complete overall well-being experience, leaving you harmonious inside and out
The Qigong Immersion day is different as it is an opportunity to lose yourself in the energy and flow with guidance around the movements rather than 'teaching'.


As Session Leaders we are always delivering sessions and rarely get to enjoy a session for ourselves
This qigong immersion is all about you, not as a Session Leader, but a chance for you to lose yourself within the flow and experience the session for yourself
This is an opportunity for you to be guided through the 18 Shibashi Set 1 movements and enjoy the time and space to immerse yourself, allowing you to reach your full potential, physically and energetically, for each movement.
Taking time to restore yourself is good for you and your attendees
You will gain a deeper understanding through your own experience, and enjoy this at your own pace
You will go through a deep cleansing, healing and restoring process
I encourage you to move at your own pace
You can stop & sit at ay time throughout this experience, listening to what you need
You can come along for both days or just for the Saturday
You can return every year to take your experience to an even deeper level
A gentle supportive full day session experience
10am to 5pm
Sunday (optional)
Allows time to revisit & reflect giving your body the opportunity to absorb and embed the experience
You have the opportunity to share your experience, ask questions, gain more insight
Saturday 10am to 5pm + Sunday 10am to 2pm
10 & 11 May 2025
3 Places available
11 & 12 July 2026
6 Places available
To book a place please pay £30 non-refundable deposit
The remaining balance is payable 30 days before

Video Based
Enjoy these video based modules in your own time to expand your knowledge and add more depth to your sessions
Are you every stuck for ideas to deliver in your learning part of the session?
This video package offers more than 85 videos, each containing a video based 'session plan' with explanations of a vast number of topics to pass on qigong knowledge and keeping sessions interesting.
Available to purchase at any time
A collection of videos offering theory behind the 5 Elements or Phases.
Exploring their essence and how they integrate into qigong & life.
Some videos also include physical practice, talked through by Debbie, offering an opportunity to feel this for yourself
Available to purchase at any time

Sometimes we all need to refresh what we have learned and enjoy returning to the academy to gain some personal tuition and ask our own questions to build our understanding
You will always learn more when returning to refresh
You will attend with more experience which often leads to a deeper layer of understanding
You can return to revisit any training of the training modules as a refresher