This is a video based information module to enjoy in your own time and at your own pace.
This module is a collection of theoretical and practical videos exploring the essence of the 5 Elements and how, when applied to qigong, bring a deeper practice to the movements and create a powerful and efficient way of moving & cultivating Qi
Video 1: Theoretical exploration of the essence of the elements when applied to qigong (36m 40 s)
Video 2: Assessing yourself at the start of practice (8m 16s)
Video 3: Practical application and exploration using Opening the Energy Gates (21m 13s)
Video 4: Practical application and exploration using Flying Wild Dove Spreads its Wings (11m 25s)
Video 5: Practical application and exploration using Rowing a Boat (16m 38s)
Video 6: Theory video to summarise at the physical exploration and practice. (10m 19s)
Video 7: The Earth Element. Theory and practical integration using Separating the Clouds (24m 41s)
When you purchase this module you will be sent the links in the 'thank you page and by email.
The links provide online access to YouTube videos, on our private YouTube channel, where you are able to watch as often as you wish.
You will also be sent links to our googe drive so you can download the videos onto your pc or similar and so youcan watch away from the YouTube platform
The 5 Elements within Qigong
Look for 'DOWNLOAD' in the thank you page, and also in the email. The download is a PDF document containing your notes and session templates. All of the video links are listed in the notes. Depending on the device you are using, you may be able to click onto the DOWNLOAD' link directly or 'cut and paste'.
There are no returns, exchanges or cancellations for instant download purchases.
Please contact us about any problems with your order.