Holistic Tai Chi Qigong Academy UK
Dancing Cat Tai Chi Qigong & Holistic Health
Classes & Professional Training & Health
Debbie & Mark Gannon
07958 353455

At our Studio in Hinckley
3 The Horsefair, Hinckley, Leicestershire, LE10 0AN

5 April 2025
How to assess your own alignment and how to make the correct adjustments for a better posture

Sometimes we know that we dont sit or stand correctly but we are not always sure how to make the right adjustments
We dont always know what we do incorrectly without realising
During this day we will look at each other and start to understand what good body alignment looks like
I will guide each of you in relation to your own alignment
We will also explore how to make the changes that are needed and how to put a realistic plan in place to help us to achieve this
You may find this workshop useful if you have discomfort in your feet, ankles, knees, hips, spine, shoulders neck, arms & hands
Did you know that standing and walking with the right foot incorrectly can create discomfort in the left shoulder and neck?
Big toes bending inwards creating bunions, 'Knock knees', 'Bow Legs' or collapsed foot arches are most often a consequence of poor posture and most can be improved
There is always something that we can do to help ourselves
5 April 2025
3 places available
8 August 2026
6 places available
10am to 5pm
Hot drinks are available throughout the day
We have 1 hour for lunch. Please bring your own lunch or you can visit any of the local cafes and restaurants
To book a place please pay £30 non-refundable deposit
The remaining £30 is payable 30 days before

Explore & enjoy a set of flowing relaxing Qigong movements
Everyone welcome, including beginners and those who may need to sit
Based on Shibashi Qigong Set 2
This weekend, at our Hinckley studio, explores a set of 18 flowing repeated Tai Chi Qigong movements, based on Shibashi Qigong Set 2
Everyone is welcome, including those who have no previous experience
We will explore each movement, including the correct body alignment, breathing patterns, the health benefits and how the movements can be done when seated
The movements of Shibashi Qigong Set 2 were originally designed to build leg strength and stamina but some of the full movements are very challenging and too difficult for many people. I have adapted these movements to bring a lot of the benefits in a safe way to protect the joints and spine.
Those who are already familiar with Shibashi Qigong Set 1, will enjoy the variety of this set and learn to move the body in a different way
Please get in touch if you have any questions about the weekend workshop
Snacks and drinks are available at all times but lunch is not included. We usually break for lunch 1-2pm so you can bring your own lunch or visit any of the local restaurants or cafes


Modern life can often feel fast and full
This qigong immersion experience is all about you, taking time own, slowing down the pace of life
The immersion aims to offer you a rebalancing and healing experience
A gentle supportive full day session experience
I will guide you through a set of flowing qigong movements based on the 18 Shibashi Set 1
Each movement is repeated several times so you can follow along easily and have the time and space to immerse yourself, allowing you to reach your full potential, physically and energetically
You will go through a deep cleansing, healing and restoring process
I encourage you to move at your own pace
You can stop & sit at ay time throughout this experience, listening to what you need
You can come along for both days or just for the Saturday
You can return every year to take your experience to an even deeper level
A gentle supportive full day session experience
10am to 5pm
Sunday (optional)
Allows time to revisit & reflect giving your body the opportunity to absorb and embed the experience
You have the opportunity to share your experience, ask questions, gain more insight
Saturday 10am to 5pm + Sunday 10am to 2pm
10 & 11 May 2025
3 Places available
11 & 12 July 2026
6 Places available
To book a place please pay £30 non-refundable deposit
The remaining balance is payable 30 days before

14 March 2026
10am to 5pm
5 Places available
Please pay £30 non-refundable deposit to book your place
The remaining £30 is payable 1 month before
Drinks and snacks are available all day
We break for lunch 1-2pm.
Lunch is not included, please bring your own lunch or you can visit the local cafes or restaurants

What is Energy?
During this day we explore the subtle way that we experience energy through sight, touch, sound, taste, colour and other people
We will explore the layers of the energy field and how to see and feel energy
We will discuss sensitivity to the energy of other people, either our friends, family, work colleagues or clients
You ask your questions
There are no limits to the topics you may want to discuss, including healing, singing bowls, sound therapy, colours, spirituality, hands on healing, energy 'vampires', being an empath etc
A day for you and about you
exploring everything that is amazing and challenging
What do you want to know?

Exploring Energy
within the
18 Shibashi Qigong Set 1 Movements
15 March 2026
10am to 5pm
Please pay £30 non-refundable deposit to book your place
The remaining balance is payable 1 month before

There are several energy processes happening through this version of Shibashi Qigong Set 1
This day explores the way each movement connects to the 3 tantien energy centres and yin and yang. We also explore the role each movement plays within the set to create harmony restoration and energetic balance
The original set was designed to move the energy that we already have and to help it to flow around the body but this can create disharmony if we are already depleted and tired
The adaptations we have made to this set continue to move our energy but also bring several deeper layers of energy restoration, cleansing and harmonisation
We use the first few movements to cultivate qi, which replenishes and develops the energy store within the body
The next block of movements gently open the physical body and organs to encourage a cleansing and detoxing process, while maintaining connection to yin and yang energies to maintain a harmonious balance
We then begin the process of filling the body once again to leave us replenished, restored, energetically balanced and calm at the end of the set
The gentle way we move with ease and flow also releases physical and mental tension creating a complete overall well-being experience, leaving you harmonious inside and out
This module 'teaches' you how to do the movements in a relaxed enjoyable way
You cant get your Qigong movements wrong unless you try to hard and force your body or if you do something that hurts. Trying to 'get it right' creates tension and blocks the flow of energy.
We are all always learning and evolving so we never 'get it right' as there is always another layer to uncover and discover. We encourage you to enjoy what you know.
The Qigong Immersion day is different as it is an opportunity to lose yourself in the energy and flow with guidance around the movements rather than 'teaching'.
This energy day is more about enjoyable learning rather than enjoyable experiencing.

8 Pieces of Silk Brocade

25 & 26 July 2026
Come along and learn the movements
Come along for a Refresher if you already know the movements
10 to 5pm each day ay our Hinckley studio
drinks and snacks are available but lunch is not provided
Please pay £50 non-refundable deposit to confirm your place
The remaining balance is due 30 days before the module start date
The 8 Pieces of Brocade is probably one of the oldest known set of Health Exercises and was created around 1140 AD during the Song dynasty, by the army general Marshal Yue Fei. The movements were designed to keep the soldiers well and in good shape for harsh, long battles.
During this workshop we will look at this ancient popular set of movements. We will explore the different versions that are taught and consider how some of the movements can be adapted
The movements in this set are not considered, by us, as suitable for beginners. We feel that the movements are more aimed at those who are looking to improve stamina, body strength as well as increasing flexibility.