Holistic Tai Chi Qigong Academy UK
Dancing Cat Tai Chi Qigong & Holistic Health
Classes & Professional Training & Health
Debbie & Mark Gannon
07958 353455

Welcome to my
Holistic Health Clinic
3 The Horsefair, Hinckley, LE10 0AN
I offer different types of sessions
They are all about your well-being
Helping you to help yourself
Easing current conditions
Offering preventative solutions
Please contact me if you are unsure if I can help you
I am always happy to chat before you book
I look forward to hearing from you

Clinic Sessions
At the Holistic Clinic, 3 The Horsefair Hinckley, LE10 0AN
Typical days & times are
Wednesdays 1pm or 1.30pm
Fridays 12.30pm, 1pm or 1.30pm
Contact me to book, suggesting which day and time works for you

Seated Massage, Fully Clothed
30 Minutes, £20
I fully understand that not everyone is comfortable with getting undressed and sometimes we dont have the time for a full relaxation aromatherapy experience but we can feel so much better after a massage
In these sessions I offer focussed sessions on the areas that ache
These are fully clothed so we can get started as soon as you arrive
Most of these sessions are seated
Common requests:
Neck & shoulders, feet, hands, back

Energy/Chakra Balance
Seated 30 Minute Session, £20
We all get out of balance from time to time
In these seated sessions I rebalance your energy, energy centres & energy field
This is intuitive healing which may include crystals, singing bowls & oracle cards
Some of these sessions may also present spiritual guidance
This is a calm, quiet, replenishing healing session offering you time for yourself

Posture & Body Alignment Assessment
First Session: 60 Minutes, £40
Follow-Up: 30 Minutes, £20
We will stand in front of mirrors and I will highlight where your body is out of alignment and explain why this may cause your discomfort
We will explore how to stand, sit & move correctly
I will suggest the best place to start your own personal alignment improvement
Your body will need time to change
Your brain will need time to adopt new habits
You can choose to return when you feel ready for the next stage
The list of conditions that can be supported is endless.
The most common are: Neck, shoulder, elbow, knee, hip & spine discomfort. Bunions. Balance & flexibility.
Please wear shorts/leggings or loose trousers which can be rolled up.
I will not be manipulating your body into alignment or ask you to do anything that may hurt.

Debbie's Qualifications & Certifications
Acupressure Meridian Massage
Acupressure Massage for Pain Relief
Adult Teaching Qualification
Anatomy & Physiology
Assessor Qualification
Aura Imaging & Reading
Breathwork Diploma
Chinese Fire Cupping
Chinese Tongue & Face Diagnosis
Chios Energy Healing
Crystal Therapy
Crystal Healing
Ear Candling
Environmental Awareness
Fire Safety Awareness
First Aid
Food Safety & Hygiene (level 1)
Gong & Sound Practitioner (level 1)
Holistic Massage
Kaimen & DaoYin (Chinese Yoga)
Life Coaching
Mandarin (basic level)
Meditative Sound Baths
Mental Health Awareness for Sport & Physical Activity
Posture Assessment
Risk Assessment Awareness
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults
Qigong (a variety of sets)
Qigong for Better Balance & Fall Prevention
Qigong Tui' Na
Shibashi Qigong Sets 1 & 2
Singing Bowls & Gongs
Sports Coaching Diploma
Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Tai Chi Ch'uan (Lee Family Style)
Tui' Na Chinese massage
Tai Chi Qigong
Well-Being Facilitator